VLC User Documentation
Getting Started
Basic Usage
Advanced Usage
Introduction to Stream Output
Player Advanced Guides
Advanced Interface Guides
Conversion and Transcode
Streaming with VLC
VideoLAN Manager
Unusual Cases
Reference Manual
FAQ & Support
About this Document
VLC User Documentation
Advanced Usage
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Advanced Usage
Introduction to Stream Output
Stream out as a pipeline
Player Advanced Guides
Play an external audio track
3D Display with VLC
Play DVDs and Disks from an image file
Play multiple instances of VLC
How to make VLC your default player
360° Video playback with VLC
Advanced Interface Guides
VLC Interfaces
Console Interfaces
Mouse Gestures
Control VLC Remotely
Conversion and Transcode
Introduction to Transcoding
How to transcode a file?
How to transcode a file and stream it simultaneously?
Screen Recording
How to add a logo
How to Batch Encode
How to extract audio
Merge videos together
How to Rip a DVD
Streaming with VLC
Introduction to VLC streaming
Introduction to the Standard Output Module
Stream over HTTP
Stream over UDP
Stream over RTP
Using SAP while streaming
Stream using RTSP
Remuxing a file
Create a mosaic with VLC
Use VLC with a Dreambox
VideoLAN Manager
VideoLAN Manager
VLM Example: Broadcast A Playlist
VLM Example: Broadcast Multiple Streams
VLM Example: Share Screen in Real Time
VLM Example: Share Screen with A Logo
VLM Example: Mosaic Streaming
Unusual Cases
Shut down the computer at the end of the playlist
Use VLC for transcription on linux
Other uncommon uses of VLC